Monday, February 13, 2012

Invalids- Eunoia 2012

This limit break goes to Invalids, with their 10 track release Eunoia. After their stellar EP, this duo successfully transcends math stereotypes with a steadfast rooting in pop vocals, melodies, and harmonies. Excellent production reins supreme; enjoy in so many ways.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Limit Breaks- Stage Kids

So first, general info about Limit Breaks; limit breaks are when a party busts out the most epic moves that just stun the bloggers here at Swords. The badass shit you keep going back to again and again? Those crazy techniques you just keep revisiting to get to know them better? That's what were talking about.

As I feel was a generally stunning addition to the Swords weapon shelf came Acerolas december 17th post for Stage Kids second album, Killer Tofu (that post also has a link to Aceys much earlier post of their first, selftitled album). This stuff took me completely by surprise. It was the first great combination of in-studio production and awesome live math rock instrumentation I have heard at this point. It certainly raises the bar in the production and synthesizing aspects of well composed mathiness. Check it!

Killer Tofu